Mystery growkit

16 reviews
Can't Pick a Grow Kit? Roll the Dice with Us!

Wave goodbye to decision paralysis and hello to a sprinkle of spontaneity!

Lean into the unknown and snag one of our grow kits at a friendlier price. It's like a mystery box, but for mushroom enthusiasts. Who knows, you might just cultivate your new favorite fungi! 🍄🎰🎉

Mystery growkit

Are you a thrill-seeker? The kind who might be inclined to skydive off an airplane, snorkel with the sharks, or perhaps, rehearse alphabetically all 5,487 species of mushrooms known to science on a quiet Sunday afternoon? Well, if you are, step right up! Behold our mushroom grow-kit-roulette!

In the ups and downs of the daily hustle at our mushroom lab, occasionally, like a squirrel forgetting where it buried its acorn, we end up with a few extra grow kits. These grow kits are what we warmly refer to as our 'happy little accidents.' It might be a consequence of an excess of mycelium that we couldn't let go to waste, or perhaps someone at the lab got a little too carried away listing mushrooms in Latin and threw in an extra scoop or two of sawdust.

Whatever the case, these additional kits are now up for sale at a humble discount – a dash of unpredictability to spice up your mushroom cultivation experience!

The grow kits are put together in our fungal haven, a mushroom lab residing in the idyll of the Finnish countryside. We forge these kits with simple but effective ingredients: sawdust for structure, wheat bran for that essential nutritional boost, and water to bring it all together, like the final stanza of a Finnish poem.

These bags of raw potential are then taken on a sterilization odyssey—imagine it as a mushroom version of a deep cleanse. This spa-like treatment ensures the freshest start for your soon-to-be fungal guests. Then, the bags are allowed to cool down, much like a Finnish ice-swimmer post-dip, while they await their destiny.

Our cherished in-house mycelium, grown with care like a Finnish botanist tending their prize lily, is then introduced to its new home. It's a fungal family reunion!

So, in short, no toxic surprises, no sneaky substances - just an exciting roll of the mushroom dice. Follow each step laid out in the leaflet provided and in less than a few fortnights, you’ll be in mushroom wonderland. May the odds of the Fungi Roulette be ever in your favor. 🍄🌀🌲

Mystery growkit

In a nutshell


Difficulty level

This grow kit is suitable for beginners.


Growth location

This growkit is designed for indoor use but can also be used outdoors.


Multiple harvests

You can enjoy multiple harvests from the kit as long as you care for it.


Made in Finland

We make and ship our grow kits fresh to order from our own mushroom laboratory in Finland.


Difficulty level

This grow kit is suitable for beginners.


Growth location

This growkit is designed for indoor use but can also be used outdoors.


Multiple harvests

You can enjoy multiple harvests from the kit as long as you care for it.


Made in Finland

We make and ship our grow kits fresh to order from our own mushroom laboratory in Finland.


Growth conditions

Optimal conditions for slightly obsessive users who want to make sure to get everything right.

Depends on what you get. ;)

Start growing!

Harvest guarantee

Cultivating mushrooms can seem like a challenging task.

Our growing kits however make growing mushrooms as easy at it can be.

You just need to follow the provided instructions and you can enjoy homegrown gourmet mushrooms in around 1-3 weeks time.

We are so certain in our growing kits that we guarantee at least one harvest from them.

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Made to order

Mushroom mycelium is a fresh product and you will get the best results if the mycelium is as fresh as possible upon arrival.

Because of this we make all products containing mushroom mycelium to order.

The normal lead time of most products containing mycelium is 2-3 weeks.

The mycelium need some time to ”take over” or colonize the growth substrate once they have been manufactored.

Otherwise there is a risk that the mycelium would not be strong enough to survive the shipping process.

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What is in the kit?

When we make the kit we use the cleanest possible ingredients and sterilize everything in an autoclave.

No nasty chemicals are used during the production.

Fresh mycelium

Rye grains


Wheat bran


Fresh mycelium

We cultivate our own mycelium in house.

To make sure that the quality and freshness of it is a high as possible.

Rye grains

We use locally sourced rye grains that have been inoculated with fresh mycelium when making the kits.

The rye grains contains extra nutrition that boost the yields and help the mycelium colonize the substrate fast and easy.


The base of our grow kits consist of clean sawdust.

The mix differs a bit between batches but we mostly use hardwoods as birch, aspen and oak.

Wheat bran

To increase the yields from the kits even more we supplement them with wheat bran that is sourced locally.

If you want an grow kit without wheat it is possible. Just let us know before ordering.


Did you know that Finland have among if not the best tap water in the world?

That is what we use in the kits.
